We sailed from Menorca (through Mallorca and Ibiza) to Valencia where we left the boat behind for 3 weeks . During the trip Sunriser was escorted by some dolphins as a farewell to the Balearics.

We went to the Netherlands for Esthers 20th birthday and to visit friends, family, dentists, doctors, hairdressers, accountants etcetera.

Valancia is beautiful, but as we had already visited it some years ago we first only focussed on leaving the boat well secured (and empty) behin; and on return on restocking. From Valencia we (motor-) sailed to Denia, where the yearly ‘fiesta’ was just starting. Besides music, dancing and lots of other cultural events the highlight are the bulls. In Denia they build an arena at the side of the harbour and the bulls and people can chase each other. The water offers an easy escape for the runners and occasionally, also the bulls choose to jump in.

From Denia we sailed to Ibiza where we met our friend Chris, who is a solo sailer on his ship Fairwind.

Together with Chris we had a hike in Cala d’Hort . The island of Es Vedra (picture of the Island in the mist) is supposed to be the third most magnetic place on earth; however, in spite of its many attractions, this seems to be just a legend.

Ibiza is now a lot busier than some months ago with loud music the whole night in the popular bays, so we try to seek smaller, quieter anchorages. These are mostly on the rugged north coast. Some have spectactular rock formations, and in one of the small islands there is a passage where you can sail throught with a small boat.

Ancorage in Ibiza with Chris from sailingvessel Fairwind

It seems that skippers forget immediately the name of the place the sail to as soon as they safely thraw their anchor! Luckily there is a first mate for that: this beatiful place is Ses Balandres.

We found even in summer a whole ‘cala’ for ourselves.

From Ibiza we sailed together with Chris to Mallorca where we will stay (again) in Santa Ponsa. Here we expect a heatwave in the coming days with temperatures as high as 44 degrees.

7 Replies to “Back in the Balearics”

    1. Wat een gave foto’s! Zijn die drone foto’s door jullie zelf gemaakt? Fantastisch dat jullie een privé Cala hadden. Liefs Joshua & Myrthe

    2. Gracias Juan, parece que las orcas nos siguen los pasos 😒 De momento las Baleares están tranquilas

  1. Qué imágenes más bellas 🤩🤩!
    Seguramente disfrutáis mucho allí; espero que ahora, de vuelta en Holanda también 😘!

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