As the famous song: ” Asturias Patria Querida” one would like be sometimes in the beloved Asturias. Our base in the region of Asturias was Gijón, with a large harbour offering shelter to many North European boats crossing the Bay of Biscay.

From there we visited Picos de Europa from the other side. As the saying goes, the grass is always greener by the neighbors, and in this occasion we were blessed with weather which brings up all the possible shades of green.

Asturias also has some of the most beautiful villages in Spain, such as Llanes, Cangas de Onis and Tazones where the King Charles I disembarked in Spain for the first time in 1517 to take possession of his kingdom. Also the cathedral of Oviedo is worth visiting.

From Gijón it is only a short sail to Avilés, a small town with an industrial harbour, but a charming old center and beautiful countryside.

In Asturias we have very much enjoyed the local cuisine, mostly in the form of “Menú del día”, a cheap menu of three courses, including  a whole bottle of wine ( much to Jos’s delight) and bread. Specialities are Fabada (heart warming bean stew), Cachopo (Spanish version of the Wiener schnitzel) and a bubbleless Cider which the locals pour from all the height of their arm into very broad glasses producing a foamy layer to make up for the lack of bubbles, maybe.

Now we’re looking forward to Galicia, where we will probably stay some time to let  the Atlantic depressions pass before heading South.

6 Replies to “Asturias Patria Querida”

  1. Very happy to see that you had a good time visiting my dear Asturias! It’s an amazing region with an incredible nature, history, cities, villages, people and food.

  2. Qué bellezas de fotos ! La del puente de Cangas de Onis revive viejos recuerdos….
    Que sigáis buen viaje a mi querida Galicia 🥰🥰!

  3. Jos en Beatriz ik ken deze streek goed vanwege mijn pelgrims fiets tocht naar Santiago de Compostela in 2005.DE Picos waren zwaar. Geniet van jullie tocht en behouden vaart!

  4. Goede middag Jos en Beatrice,
    Wat een prachtige omgeving in een voor mij onbekend deel van Spanje. Begreep ik goed, Jos, dat jij ook in Spanje bent geboren of geldt dat alleen voor Beatrice?
    Deze week tijdens de lunch en voordracht van Hanneke inzake medische dilemma’s heb ik je groeten overgebracht en geattendeerd op de mogelijkheid deel te nemen aan jullie reis via dit medium.

    1. Dag Sjef, dankjewel voor het overbrengen van de groeten . Ik mis de club wel af en toe dus leuk als mensen ons volgen.

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