We are on our way to Brest with Alex, Maurice and Matthieu. We have seen all kinds of weather, the first day without any wind made it possible to BBQ whilst sailing.

BBQ along the Belgian coast 

The next 2 days and nights the wind was predicted to be around 12 knots from behind, so we positioned the boat in the middle of the channel around the British coast to have the most wind. But the wind increased to 25 knots continuously with gusts to 30. Being in the middle of the channel making landfall was difficult and we decided to continue to Cherbourg in one go. With one crew being seasick, exhaustion was on the lure for the rest. We arrived safely in Cherbourg at 6.00 am where we had a good rest (and oysters from Granville the next day).


The next leg took us to Guernsey. This leg is through the ‘race of Alderney’ where the current can run up to 10 knots and with wind against current, waves can be very dangerous. We calculated the tide right (this time) and passed without problems, but it continued to be an intimidating sea.

From there the trip was more relaxed and reached Brest with stopovers at Roscoff and L’aber Wrac’h. Some dolphins welcomed us.

On Monday, Matthieu and Maurice will take the train back to NL and Till will join us.

7 Replies to “All kinds of sailing weather”

    1. Leuk om jou op de foto te zien Jos! En leuk dat je deze foto’s en video’s hebt gedeeld, zijn we er een beetje bij. Als het zeilen zo lekker gaat mag je van mij wel langer filmen als je zin hebt – kijk er graag naar.

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